To make a first Mediasite API call, you need to look up the Home API call for your server. You can do this directly in your browser. Go to the following URL:
To make a first Mediasite API call, you need to look up the Home API call for your server. You can do this directly in your browser. Go to the following URL:
You should see a long JSON response that will include items similar to:
The JSON format has data stored as name/value pairs. So, in this example, this server has a data field called “SiteVersion” and the value of this is 7.4.3. You can also have objects and arrays, which are broken out by curly braces {} and square brackets [] respectively.
“Home” is an endpoint for what you are requesting from the server. Other example Mediasite REST API endpoints are:
There are many different endpoints available, and the full list is available from the API documentation on the server itself. (http://SERVER/mediasite/api/v1/$metadata)