Video Platform 8.13 (July 2022)

Creating recording schedules by hand can be tedious. Speed up the schedule creation process by importing schedules from a spreadsheet.
For more details on this feature and how to find the sample files, please visit KBA3781.
New Shortcut Keys for the Mediasite Premier Player
Additional shortcut keys have been added in this release of Mediasite to allow anyone watching a Mediasite video Presentation to quickly adjust playback settings.
Some of our favorite shortcut keys are:
- Space Bar – Pause/Play the video
- ⬅️ ➡️ – Move forward or backwards on the timeline by 5 seconds
- M – Mute/unmute audio
- F – Enter or exit full screen playback
- C – Show/hide closed captioning if available
Improved Management Portal Navigation

When browsing through the Mediasite Management Portal, you will now see information pills next to your listing of Presentations to help you quickly identify important elements of an individual Presentation.
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