We are excited to announce new features for Mediasite Mosaic and Mosaic Pro 2.5 that help expand the ways that content creators can capture their most important videos. This update includes several features that further build onto the user-friendly functionality available with and upgrade to Mosaic Pro.
Mediasite Mosaic for Windows 2.5 (July 2022)
Check Schedules More Often
Mediasite Mosaic Pro for Windows allows an administrator to schedule a video Presentation to be recorded at a particular date and time.
In this release of Mosaic Pro, the application will check for schedules more frequently and any time you browse to the “Recordings” page in Mosaic Pro.
Upload While Recording
Mediasite Mosaic and Mosaic Pro will automatically upload while recording. This equates to much faster publishing once the recording is complete.
Saving Your Recordings Before Logoff or Shutdown
One common mistake we see content creators make is that they try to log off or shut down their computer without stopping their recording. To assist in these situations, this release of Mosaic will automatically stop the recording and attempt to complete the upload before the computer logs off or shuts down completely.
If the upload can’t complete in time, the next time Mosaic and Mosaic Pro are launched the video upload process will resume.
Added Support for USB Recording Status Lights
For those of you using Mosaic Pro in a Podium PC environment, it can be helpful to let your audience members and content creators know that they are being recorded. Mediasite Mosiac Pro, now supports a series of USB Lights. To see the list of supported USB devices, please review KBA3946.